Preparing CaCl2 Competent E. coli Cells

2004-03-12 (from Chris Udell)


Required:  500 mL LB (plus a little), autoclaved 2 L culture flask, autoclaved large (250 or 500 mL) centrifuge bottles, sterile 0.1 M CaCl2, sterile 40% glycerol solution.


  1. Innoculate 5 mL LB broth with E. coli culture.  Ideally, streak a plate and then pick one colony.  Alternatively, use a micropipette tip to scrape some cells from the top of a glycerol stock.
  2. Grow at 37 0C overnight in shaking incubator.
  3. Add 1 mL of overnight culture to 500 mL fresh LB in a 2L culture flask.
  4. Grow at 37 0C for 2.5 – 3.5 hours in shaking incubator.  (Check for log phase growth, OD600 = 0.375-0.5).
    1. Prepare centrifuge during this time.  Chill rotor.
  5. Transfer culture to two centrifuge bottles.  Keep on ice from this point forward.
  6. Centrifuge cold 5000-6000 rpm (JA-10) for 5 min.
  7. Pour off super and resuspend cells in 50 mL cold 0.1 M CaCl2
    1. Add small volume of CaCl2 and gently pipette up and down, mix cells, etc. until most of the pellet is resuspended, then add the rest of the CaCl2 and shake a bit to mix.
  8. Leave to sit in wet ice for 20 min.
  9. Centrifuge cold 5000-6000 rpm for 5 min.
  10. Pour off super, add 4.5 mL 0.1 M CaCl2 and 6 mL 40% glycerol, resuspend cells carefully.
    1. Transfer to 50 mL conical tube after resuspending.
  11. Pipette aliquots (225 uL or so) into microtubes and quick freeze on dry ice, then store at -80 0C.